About this website


I created this website in 2020 by forking academicpages (see this post). I significantly updated it in 2024 to automate publications and talks. This post is primarily intended for myself so that I don’t forget, but it might be useful for others too.

  1. Use Markdown to write most posts.
  2. For using \(\LaTeX\) in Markdown, use \\(...\\) for inline texts such as \(\Pr(X>x)\sim x^{-\alpha}\) and \\[...\\] for displayed texts such as \[\rho(\Pi\odot \Upsilon \odot \Psi(z)) = 1.\]
  3. To embed images, save the image file in .png format (you can use this to convert from .pdf to .png), place it in the assets folder, and write
    ![<Some explanation>](/assets/<filename>.png)

    in the Markdown file.

  4. For creating a nice publication list, you need three components. The first is the Markdown file for each publication, say 2022-ECMA.md, saved in the _publications folder. The second is the publication page, say publications.html, saved in the _pages folder. The third is the html file that specifies the format of including each publication file into the publication page. There could be various formats for published papers, working papers, etc. These files, such as archive-wp.html (for working papers), are saved in the _includes folder. To define different collections such as publications, working papers, talks, blog posts, etc., one needs to edit the _config.yml file.
  5. What is cool about the above step to create the publication list (or any other list) is that I can define arbitrary properties such as title, date, link, venue, coauthors, excerpt, history, etc., and display them in a consistent style. It’s similar to using biblatex to create a reference list. It took me several days of investment but now everything is automatic.
  6. You can copy and paste accents from here.